From 15 to 26 June 2019, two productions on stage in Nagoya, Osaka, Otsu, Tokyo, Yokohama, Fukuoka: Rigoletto by Giuseppe Verdi and Il barbiere di Siviglia by Gioachino Rossini are the two productions that the Teatro Comunale of Bologna brings to Japan.

The director of Rigoletto is entrusted to Alessio Pizzech, who signed the staging of the work for the Teatro Comunale di Bologna in 2016 and which now reproposes it in a revised version with completely renewed costumes.

According to the director, Verdi's Rigoletto is a modern tragic hero. "Like the heroes of Greek tragedy, Rigoletto is also a victim of his own design and can do nothing to change the situation. Revenge, so much evoked and desired, falls on him, transforming it into the tragic hero of a surprising, absolute modernity”

Rigoletto will be on stage in Nagoya, Otsu and, with two replicas, in Tokyo, at the Bunkamura Orchard Hall.

The Barber of Seville is also in Tokyo with two replicas, again at the Bunkamura Orchard Hall, while the other stages of the opera are in Osaka, Yokohama, Fukuoka.

The barber of Seville is a new production of TCBO, which debuted in Bologna last March. An all-Italian production, directed by Federico Grazzini, in his first collaboration with the Bolognese theater.

"One of the fundamental aspects of our reading is the metateatral one," says Grazzini. In Rossini's work there are too many metatheatrical references to be ignored, if we tried to reread the story exclusively in a realistic key, certain elements would appear dramaturgically incoherent.

Another element that runs through the work and that we wanted to thematize - continues the director - is madness, the unpredictable alternation of situations and the variety of theatrical play ".

The tour of the Teatro Comunale di Bologna in Japan is carried out in collaboration with the Concert Doors Co. Ltd and with the support of Automobili Lamborghini.

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